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World powers more unequal than ever

The diverse performance of G20 countries reflects their different levels of development. Germany (3rd), Australia (5th) and United States (7th) emerge as the strongest economies. Among the large emerging markets, China (32nd) is the best performing economy, followed by the Russian Federation (36th), Brazil (51st), India (63rd), and South Africa (77th) the poorest performer among the G20 countries.

Many countries display vulnerabilities in terms of industry structure and pre-existing debt levels, which will limit those countries’ fiscal policy space and the capacity of households and corporates to absorb the economic shock. They also display fragilities due to high levels of income inequality. While many countries show good levels of pandemic preparedness, others, such Saudi Arabia and the Russian Federation, lag well behind many of their peers. With a few exceptions, the majority of G20 countries, whatever their degree of development, are quite exposed to health risk factors. Some are more exposed to chronic/non-communicable disease risk: others to infectious/communicable diseases. For some, both are prevalent among the population but it is clear that ageing economies carry the highest health risk in this pandemic.

G20 countries - scores per pillar & sub-pillars

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2020 Horizon Group

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